What is a Modular House?

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In the domain of modern architecture, the term modular house is getting more and more attention. The presence and practice of modular house construction have completely reshaped the concept of housing.

But what exactly is a modular home? Is it easy to construct or buy one?

Fortunately, in this article, we will be exploring that plus much more about the modular house. 

Are you ready?

What is a modular house?

modular house

A modular home is a type of prefab or prefabricated house wherein its individual parts (referred to as modules) are made away from its area of construction. Processed at a strict factory site, the modules are 80% ready when shipped to the site. The labor following the shipment involves joining these pieces together. 

Constructing a modular unit proves to be much faster than a traditional one. It usually takes 16 to 31 weeks to finish. Sometimes, it can even be shorter. Homeowners seeking a quick construction time and move-in date are sure to be delighted by this arrangement. 

What is the process of constructing a modular home

The process of constructing a modular home involves the following: 

1. Design and Planning

Perhaps the most taxing part of building a modular home is the planning or designing stage. During this time, homeowners are in constant contact with the company’s architects, contractors, and experts. This brainy part of the process aims to pour out all possible customization ideas. 

As a homeowner, it is essential to come up with the closest semblance of a fixed design. Further adjustments mean additional costs. The design is then used as a model for the modules. Finally, the bulk of the process happens in the factory. 

2. Factory Construction

As the processing begins, skilled factory workers individually build each module using superior materials. Given the measured elements in a factory, the production process is deemed to produce precise, efficient, and error-free modules. 

3. Transportation

After fabrication, the modules are then shipped to the construction area.  Transporting the modules follows a rigid assembly system. Precision is key in the process to ensure a smooth and fast delivery. 

4. On-Site Assembly

Upon arriving, construction workers connect the modules together. Once joined, the basal structure becomes visible. Sometimes, the architecture is on-site, coordinating with the team. This engagement guarantees that all parts of the house are seamlessly assembled. Ideally, modular home assembly should be quicker and more cost-saving than traditional house construction. 

modular house process

What are the advantages of modular houses? 

The advantages of a modular home are as follows: 

  • Cost-Effective: Each action concerning the building of a modular unit is streamlined. Everything in its construction follows a strict plan. With such precision, downtime in labor and cost is significantly reduced. Lastly, the cost of modular homes is more predictable than that of traditional houses. Thus,  modular units, or any prefab house for that matter, tend to be more cost-effective. 
  • Time-Efficient: The prefabrication of the modular houses in a factory can happen in an instant. And since it undergoes the controlled setting of a factory, a modular unit is almost always perfect, minimizing the possibility for delay. Putting the modules up for construction also takes the least time possible. 
  • Quality-Assured: With modular unit manufacturing, you are assured that all products undergo tight quality control. Thus, any spotted possible errors in a factory are usually addressed right before shipping.  This results in a higher overall quality of construction.
  • Environmentally Sustainable: Modular construction, compared to traditional methods, leaves less waste and a smaller carbon footprint. It is important to note that the consciousness behind the invention of modular or prefab homes centers on eco-friendly solutions. 
  • Customizable: Yes, modular homes are standardized and designed with a fixed layout. But nevertheless, their modular setup also allows for customization. In fact, several modular companies offer customization options to their clients. As a result, modules can be reconfigured in various ways, allowing for a wide range of architectural styles.
modular house advantage

Overcoming Misconceptions

Some misconceptions about the modular home still persist to this day. These myths, if not addressed, will distort the advantages offered by the modular homes. 

One common misconception insists that modular homes are not durable. However, the truth is that modular dwellings are built into similar standards to that of the traditional homes. Sometimes, their building standards are even higher. 

Another prevalent misconception is that modular homes are uniform in appearance. In today’s diverse modular home designs, such claim loses hold. 

How much does a modular house cost?

The cost of building or buying a modular unit differ on a lot of factors. Asking how much it costs is like asking how much a car costs. There isn’t one answer for this. Whatw e get instead is an estimated price range. 

At a more affordable context, a basic modular home cost can start at around $50,000 to $80,000. These homes are usually straightforward with lesser features. But if there’s one thing these can assure: it’s elegance. Thus, minimalist would enjoy homes under this cost range. 

On the other side, fancy homes should incur you a price tag reaching up to a several hundred thousand dollars or more. High-end finishes, customization options, and larger square coverage are all responsible for this increased cost. 

The location of your building site can also dramatically influence the cost. In this context, we’re looking at delivery costs and zoning permit processing as the cause of expenses. 

Modular homes should not also be taken as a one-time value. In fact, resell values are among the factors that define future modular home profit. Dealing with the cost of a modular home also deals with its long-term value. Thanks to the precision of the manufacturing process and the efficiency of factory work, modular construction can often be more cost-effective in the big picture. 

In summary, the cost of a modular unit is a fluid concept. It relies heavily on the chosen material, the type of home, and the level of customization you are considering for it. 

Regardless, it’s worth exploring various options and seeing how modern homes specifically cater to our living demands.


The eventual popularity of modular houses represents a dynamic rethinking in the field of construction. With their customizable, eco-friendly, time-efficient, cost-effective setup, etc., modular units are steadily revamping our ideas of the 21st century home. 

As technology rises in parallel, it’s likely that modular construction will even take center stage in the shaping of tomorrow’s sustainable homes. Embracing this innovative approach is important for industries to explore new possibilities in the field.  With that in place, progress is certainly at hand. 

Picture of Michael


Michael, a highly innovative entrepreneur with a solid grasp of the space capsule industry, has over a decade of experience in pioneering market innovations and focusing on customer needs. His expertise in creating unique lodging experiences combines practicality with comfort, positioning her at the forefront of space-efficient accommodation trends. With a talent for turning challenges into opportunities, Michael offers invaluable insights into the evolving world of space capsule developments and strategies for customer engagement


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