What Are Capsule Houses Made of? 

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Capsule houses are a testament to innovation, practicality, and architectural freedom. Referred to sometimes as compact dwellings, space capsule homestays, and space capsule mobile homes, these tiny houses make the most of the tiniest living space without sacrificing comfort and livability. Dramatically tiny, like a pod, these homes are characterized by their modular structure, small size, and sustainable material. But which materials exactly? Read this article to learn what capsule houses are made of. 

What is the construction principle for a capsule house? 

The main construction principle or practice for a capsule house centers on eco-friendly and lightweight materials. Reducing the carbon footprint throughout the duration of the construction is the main aim of this principle. Another aim of this movement is energy efficiency. 

What are common materials for a capsule house? 

Common materials used in the construction of capsule houses include:

1. Steel 

Capsule houses, despite their small size, are known for their strong integrity. That is, because they often utilize steel as a primary structural material. Steel is known for its durability, versatility, and strength. Framing made of steel often yields a well-rounded, solid, and strong set of modular components for capsule units. Moreover, steel doesn’t easily wear out, making for great recyclability. 

2. Lightweight Composite Panels

A capsule house’s exterior walls can be made of lightweight composite panels. Each panel can be constructed using materials like fiberglass, aluminum, and other composites. The main advantage of utilizing lightweights is insulation, apart, of course, from their proclivity to lighten up the capsule house’s structure. 

Lightweight Composite Panels

3. Fiber Cement

Fiber cement boards are another popular choice for exterior cladding. These boards are a blend of cement, cellulose fibers, and other additives. They offer durability, resistance to weather elements, and can be produced in various textures and colors.

Fiber Cement

4. Polyurethane Foam

Insulation takes center stage in the planning of a capsule home. Naturally so, it fulfills energy-efficiency and temperature control to a certain degree. To achieve this, designers make use of polyurethane foam as a premium material. Packed with highly-insulating properties, polyurethane foam can be used to layer in a capsule home’s roof and window sections. Since it can both absorb and retract heat, it functions effectively as a thermal retractor. Also, it does not cost the slightest weight. 

5. Mineral Wool

Another essential material that can make up a capsule unit is mineral wool. Made from slag or volcanic rocks. With its high insulation capacity, it can best serve to fire-proof and soundproof the capsule home. As a result, it adds protection, comfort, and stability to the home. 

Mineral Wool

6. Engineered Wood

Engineered wood is a popular choice for providing interior finishes to most capsule homes. At a glance, engineered wood gives off elegance, neatness, and luxury. Yes. It possesses all of that. But its beauty lies beyond its feel and appearance. Made from a set of hard-bonded wood, it provides the home with a durable finish—a finish made to last for a lifetime. Wall paneling, flooring, and furniture-building are among the few applications that benefit from engineered wood. 

Engineered Wood

7. Double-Glazed Windows

Double-glazed windows, given their high capacity to absorb and throw light, are often incorporated as an option for capsule houses. Double-glazed windows have the special ability of maximizing natural light and diffusing it to far corners of the home. With this kind of window, your capsule is guaranteed to be energy-efficient.

8. Polycarbonate Panels

Polycarbonate panels, especially the translucent and transparent ones,  may be used for some exterior roofing and walls. Like the double-glazed windows, they allowed diffused natural light to penetrate the home’s deep interiors without costing much weight or space. 

Polycarbonate Panels

9. Smart Building Systems

Smart building systems, thanks to their automated temperature control, efficient energy use, and general capacity to channel energy in the home complex systems, are a crucial material in a capsule house. Its systems include, respectively, some energy-efficient lighting, energy sources (for insurance, solar panels), and smart thermostats.


Capsule houses are made from an interplay between durable, eco-friendly, lightweight, and durable materials. These materials ensure that the home maximizes space, energy, structural integrity, and overall environmental sustainability. 

The business of carefully selecting these said materials for constructing the capsule homes not only makes them look appealing, but also exploits them to their full capacity of providing long-lasting, efficient, and practical homes of a lifetime. 

Picture of Michael


Michael, a highly innovative entrepreneur with a solid grasp of the space capsule industry, has over a decade of experience in pioneering market innovations and focusing on customer needs. His expertise in creating unique lodging experiences combines practicality with comfort, positioning her at the forefront of space-efficient accommodation trends. With a talent for turning challenges into opportunities, Michael offers invaluable insights into the evolving world of space capsule developments and strategies for customer engagement


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